Please choose the following four payment one


The guest no matter in any way payment, all needs to first by E-mail or telephone contact * * * travel agency to confirm booking matters.
The guest please remember this company responsible travel consultant name, and the number in the contact responsible travel consultant and retrieve the invoice, or hotel room or flight reservation will not be retained, the company will not be responsible for any loss of the guests.
The company do not set "XXX eps" payment, all travel products are in cash settlement.

1. Visit "xx travel agency" payment

2. Such as using a credit card

Online payment
Only accept XXX credit Card/XXX credit Card/XXX Card (xx unionpay Card).
Online payments, accept the third party payment.
The guest if you would like to use the online payment, please contact with the company.

3. Visit "xx city xx business co., LTD." payment
(only accept * * * - Hong Kong dollar settlement)

Office Hours (Office Hours) :
Monday to Friday (Monday - Friday) 09:00 to 19:00
Saturday (Saturday) 09:00 ~ 16:00
Sundays and Public holidays (Sunday and Public Holiday) 10:00 ~ 18:00
Lunch Time (Lunch Time) 13:00 PM ~

"OK" tickets and "OPEN" ticket

For better service to the customer, the center under the sales department, the section of passenger transport. And the capital airport and airport club cooperation, established own a complete service body.

Fasten: tickets, send ticket, the national 12 house hotel reservation, international hotel reservation